First class engineering company improving the life span of Class 375 Gangways


We placed our first advertisement with RTM, a paper and digital publication specialising in the Rail industry, the below is a copy of the editorial that accompanied our advertisement.

By Mary Dillon, Commercial & Facilities Manager at Jones Nuttall Ltd

Jones Nuttall Ltd, a precision engineering company based in Warrington, Cheshire, specialising in rail overhaul and refurbishment as well as fabrication and CNC machining pride themselves on working closely with their customers, to deliver the best and most cost effective solutions. Having been in business 50 years they understand that price, quality and lead times are of paramount importance.

Bombardier awarded Jones Nuttall the contract to refurbish the Class 375 gangways, increasing the life span of the gangways, based on historical and proven ability to supply component parts to customer specifications on time and within project budgets. The programme was so successful that Jones Nuttall have been awarded a second gangway refurbishment project from Bombardier commencing in August 2017 for a two year period. A total of 224 gangways will be refurbished to an agreed customer specification with a turnaround of two completed gangways being collected each Monday and delivered into Bombardier’s depot.

Part of the refurbishment is the anti-friction liners, made from Railko NF21 and Feroform are machined within the laminate division on one of three CNC routers. Jones Nuttall also machine the aluminium rubbing plates that fit the gangways on one of the 9 CNC Hurco milling machines located in the precision engineering division. By machining all elements in house Jones Nuttall have complete control.

Another part of the refurbishment process are flexitors which join the gangway to the train carriage. Jones Nuttall and Atkins consultancy collaborated on re designing these back in 1998 considerably increasing the flexitors lifespan.

In an industry where reputation is everything you will not find a more committed and focused company than Jones Nuttall with a genuine interest in every job.